Development strategy
Investment philosophy
for successThe government of the Orenburg region is interested in a quick start of each investment project, therefore it works as a single "project team" with the investor. The most comfortable conditions have been created for business.
The Orenburg Region was chosen as a place for production, scientific research and business by the Italian agricultural holding Cremonini Group, the metalworking company Brassco, the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and many other Russian and international companies. This is no coincidence, as the region provides excellent opportunities for investors.
The success of every business and every investment project is a long-term goal for the leadership of the region and a key task for industry departments.
an approachFor each investor, individual conditions are prepared, and not anonymized sites or a standard set of support measures. Businessmen are assisted in the localization of production, they select counterparties, they are accompanied legally
and informational. -
supportIn the implementation of projects, investors are supported by regional development institutions and industry departments. Thanks to this, all emerging issues are resolved promptly and professionally. Key projects are considered personally by the head of the region.
timeOrganizational issues are resolved in the "one window" mode, which leads to a decrease in administrative barriers and successful implementation of the project.
The speed and quality of the implementation of investment projects is ensured through the use of the generally accepted world standard "Road maps", which sets the algorithm of measures, terms and participants in the implementation of projects. Thanks to this proven technology, the investor can quickly and efficiently:
- choose a site, form of doing business and format of preferences;
- register a business;
- organize construction and start work of your enterprise.
attitudeAll investors, regardless of the country of origin, investment volume and field of activity, receive full support at all stages of implementation. The region provides high-quality service to every investment project.
Investment strategy Download development strategy
The Orenburg Region has a Social and Economic Development Strategy for the period up to 2030. The document defines the general vector for the development of the region for the long term and is based on the interaction of authorities, business and society.
The investment strategy reflects the main directions of the future spatial, social and economic development of the entire region and individual industries. The main goal is to improve the investment climate, continuous economic growth and raising the standard of living of the population.
When creating the Strategy, the Government of the region took into account the priorities of the state social and economic policy, forecasts of the Orenburg region and the Russian Federation for the long term, as well as other documents of strategic planning at the federal level.
Among the key ways to solve the problems of socio-economic development of the region is the creation of special economic zones and industrial parks.
An innovative Technopark of the Skolkovo Foundation opens in Orenburg, where business will have access to the advanced developments of the capital's specialists.
The task of the technopark is to become a point of attraction and growth for entrepreneurs of a new format.
The concept of the Special Economic Zone in the Orenburg region is focused on oil and gas production and deep processing enterprises, including products of the agro-industrial complex. For residents who have made capital investments in the territory of presence, there are benefits, subsidies and a set of support measures.

Development institutions
Orenburg region Investment Development Agency
Help category: InformationPre-project and design study of investment proposals of investors in the field of placement of new productive forces, infrastructure and social projects in the Orenburg region.
Website: investinorenburg.ru
Export Support Center
Assistance category: Consulting support, training, organization of exhibitionsSupport for the export activities of entrepreneurs, consulting, organizing the participation of business entities in exhibitions, fairs and business missions, translation services of materials into foreign languages, training for export-oriented small and medium-sized businesses in the region.
Website: orbexport.ru
Regional Competence Center for Labor Productivity
Help category: InformationSupporting employment and increasing labor productivity to ensure growth in labor productivity.
Website: investinorenburg.ru
Entrepreneurship Support Center
Assistance category: Consulting support, trainingConsulting on financial planning, marketing support of activities, legal support, application of Labor legislation, obtaining credit and other financial resources.
Website: mb-orb.ru
Orenburg Regional Fund for Small Business Support
Aid Category: FinancialIssuance of microloans small and medium-sized businesses of the Orenburg region.
Website: orenfund.ru
Guarantee fund for small and medium-sized businesses of the Orenburg region
Aid Category: Financial
Infrastructure plans
State program of the Orenburg region "Development of the education system of the Orenburg region"Download
Scheme and program for the prospective development of the electric power industry of the Orenburg region for the period 2020–2024Download
Стратегия развития Оренбургской области до 2030 года (Постановление Правительства Оренбургской области N 551-пп от 20.08.2010)Download
Regulations for supporting investment projects on the principle of "one window" in the Orenburg regionDownload
Investment Council under the Governor
Инвестиционный совет по улучшению
investment climate under the Governor
Orenburg region
The purpose of the Council is to improve
work efficiency:
- to attract investment resources;
- to create a favorable investment climate;
- on the creation of industrial, technological and tourist-recreational parks;
- for the development of investment and innovation activities in the region.
Задачи Инвестиционного совета:
- development of priority areas of investment activity in the Orenburg region;
- elimination of administrative, economic and organizational obstacles in the development of investment and innovation activities;
- formation of an integral system of infrastructure for support and development of investment and innovation activities.
You can submit your initiative to the Council for Investment Climate Improvement
- by phone +7 3532 32-50-55
- e-mail: welcome@orbinvest.ru

representatives of business, public
organizations, authorities, science and
education, including
Chairman of the Investment Council
Golm A.A.General Director of JSC "Orenburg Minerals"
Kazhaev V.F.Deputy General Director of PJSC Rosseti Volga - Director of the Orenburgenergo branch
Miroshnikov S.A.Ректор ФГБОУ ВО "Оренбургский государственный университет"
V.A. KorshunovCommissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Orenburg Region
Law of the Orenburg region from 05.10.2009 N 3119/712-IV-OZ
Investment activity -
Law of the Orenburg region from 29.09.2009 N 3118/691-IV-OZ
About SME development -
Law of the Orenburg region of 06.09.2011 N 399/83-V-OZ
About the collateral fund -
Law of the Orenburg region of 20.11.2000 N 724/213-OZ
"Charter (Basic Law) of the Orenburg region" -
Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 13.02.2014 N 94-p
About support of investment projects -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 09/29/2011 N 929-p
On the concept of improving the investment climate -
Law of the Orenburg region dated 09.03.2016 N 3800/1038-V-OZ
On industrial policy
Federal Law of 21.07.2005 N 115-FZ
About concession agreements -
Federal Law of 13.07.2015 N 224-FZ
About PPP in Russia -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 09.19.2016 N 671-p
On the procedure for interaction on PPP -
Resolution of the Orenburg region of February 12, 2016 N 102-p
About the PPP body in the Orenburg region -
Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of 30.11.2015 N 894
About PPP methodology
Law of the Orenburg region from 06.12.2019 N 1920/518-VI-OZ
On state guarantees of the Orenburg region -
Law of the Orenburg region of 06.09.2011 N 399/83-V-OZ
About the collateral fund -
Decree of the Governor of the Orenburg region dated 02.12.2008 N 146-uk
About the guarantee fund of the Orenburg region -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 23.01.2012 N 34-p
About the collateral fund - order
Постановление Правительства Оренбургской области от 20 августа 2010 г. N 551-пп
Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 27.03.2012 N 281-p
Improving the investment climate - action plan -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg Region of December 29, 2018 N 916-pp
Regional support of the transport system -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg Region of 12/25/2018 N 888-pp
About regional economic development -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region from 20.08.2010 N 551-пп
About the regional development strategy -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 02.14.2014 N 95-p
Investment strategy -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 09/29/2011 N 929-p
On the concept of improving the investment climate -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg Region of December 29, 2018 N 918-pp
On regional support for agriculture
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 04.06.2013 N 428-p
The procedure for selecting investment projects -
Law of the Orenburg region of November 16, 2002 N 322/66-III-OZ
About transport tax -
Law of the Orenburg region of 27.11.2003 N 613/70-III-OZ
On corporate property tax -
Law of the Orenburg region of 03.11.2017 N 577/140-VI-OZ
Regional tax incentives - TASED -
Law of the Orenburg region from 03.05.2012 N 803/214-V-OZ
About investment tax credit - grounds -
Law of the Orenburg region from 23.12.2019 N 2016/532-VI-OZ
Corporate income tax benefits - SPIC -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 25.07.2014 N 527-p
About investment tax credit - procedure -
Law of the Orenburg region of 03.10.2014 N 2509/697-V-OZ
On preferential rates of corporate income tax
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 614 of 22.06.2015
On the creation of TASED in monotowns -
Постановление Правительства Оренбургской области от 16 сентября 2021 г. N 799-пп
Improving the investment climate - roadmap -
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation N 871 of July 24, 2017
PSEDA "Novotroitsk" -
Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 27.03.2012 N 281-p
Improving the investment climate - action plan -
Law of the Orenburg region of 03.07.2015 N 3304/904-V-OZ
Preferential provision of land -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 04.06.2013 N 428-p
On the procedure for selecting investment projects -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 23.01.2012 N 35-p
On the formation of the PIP register -
Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 23.10.2015 N 838-p
About the interdepartmental commission -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 23.11.2010 N 847-p
Regional Investment Council -
Law of the Orenburg region from 03.05.2012 N 803/214-V-OZ
About investment tax credit - grounds -
Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 13.02.2014 N 94-p
About support of investment projects -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 27.07.2012 N 642-p
On the criteria for the selection of investment projects -
Law of the Orenburg region from 23.12.2019 N 2016/532-VI-OZ
Corporate income tax benefits - SPIC -
Decree of February 15, 2011 N 66-uk
On the creation of the Orenburg Region Development Corporation
Law of the Orenburg region of November 16, 2009 N 3222/739-IV-OZ
On state support for innovative activities -
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.02.2019 N 120
PSEDA "Yasny" -
Decree of the Governor of the Orenburg region of 12.11.2012 N 781-uk
About the regional award in the field of science and technology -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of December 29, 2010 N 943-p
About regional grants in the field of innovation -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 09/29/2011 N 929-p
On the concept of improving the investment climate
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.02.2019 N 120
PSEDA "Yasny" -
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 614 of 22.06.2015
On the creation of TASED in monotowns -
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation N 871 of July 24, 2017
PSEDA "Novotroitsk" -
Law of the Orenburg region of 03.07.2015 N 3304/904-V-OZ
Preferential provision of land -
Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 23.10.2015 N 838-p
About the interdepartmental commission -
Law of the Orenburg region from 06.12.2019 N 1920/518-VI-OZ
On state guarantees of the Orenburg region -
Decree of the Governor of the Orenburg region dated 02.12.2008 N 146-uk
About the guarantee fund of the Orenburg region -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 23.01.2012 N 34-p
About the collateral fund - order
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg Region of 28.04.2018 N 256-p
Regional subsidy - NGO garden and vegetable garden -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg Region of 12.04.2019 N 249-p
Regional subsidy - agricultural machinery and equipment -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg Region of 09/14/2015 N 705-p
Regional subsidy - modernization of agricultural facilities -
Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 19.04.2019 N 266-p
Regional subsidy - cattle -
Resolution of the Government of the Orenburg region of 23.07.2010 N 500-p
Regional subsidy - antiepizootic