Orenburg region Investment Development Agency
Telephone: +7 3532 32-50-55
Email: welcome@orbinvest.ru
Mailing address: Оренбург ул. Советская, 27
Actual address: Оренбург ул. Советская, 27
АО «Особая экономическая зона промышленно-производственного типа «Оренбуржье»
Telephone: +7 3532 44-24-55
Email: sezoren@orbinvest.ru
Mailing address: Оренбург ул. Советская, 27
Actual address: Оренбург ул. Советская, 27

Orenburg region Investment Development Agency
Агентство инвестиционного развития Оренбургской области создано для привлечения инвестиционных ресурсов, которые обеспечат развитие инфраструктуры области и реализацию приоритетных проектов с использованием механизмов государственно-частного партнерства согласно Стратегии развития области.
Агентство инвестиционного развития Оренбургской области является единым государственным оператором по развитию инвестиционных площадок и индустриальных парков на территории Оренбургской области, действующим в рамках рыночных механизмов.
- support and implementation of investment projects;
- creating a favorable investment climate and increasing the investment attractiveness of the Orenburg region;
- implementation of projects for the creation and development of infrastructure facilities in order to attract investment.

- ensuring interaction between the executive authorities of the Orenburg region for the implementation and support of investment programs and projects in the Orenburg region;
- implementation of measures to improve the investment climate in the Orenburg region;
- participation in the development and implementation of measures to stimulate investment activity in order to increase the competitiveness and growth of the economy of the Orenburg region;
- promoting the diversification of the economy of the Orenburg region by creating favorable conditions for attracting investments in priority sectors of the economy;
- development of international and interregional foreign economic relations of the Orenburg region in terms of attracting investments;
- monitoring and conducting a comprehensive analysis of the investment attractiveness of the Orenburg region;
- participation in the development of congress and exhibition activities of the Orenburg region in the field of attracting investments;
- creation of new and development of infrastructure at already existing investment sites and other territories with special conditions for carrying out entrepreneurial activities in the Orenburg region;
- organization of financing for infrastructure projects.

Main directions of activity:
- analysis and assistance in solving social and economic problems of the development of the Orenburg region;
- taking measures to increase the investment attractiveness of the region;
- participation in the development and implementation of a strategy for the industrial development of the region;
- ensuring the functioning of the system for supporting investment projects on the principle of "one window"
- management of attracted capital and investments;
- creation of conditions for the promotion of goods (works, services) of producers of the Orenburg region and the results of their intellectual activity on the markets of foreign countries as part of the development of investment potential and promotion of investment opportunities in the Orenburg region

Your projects will be implemented in the economy of the Orenburg region in a favorable atmosphere, and all business undertakings will be fully supported by state authorities
Ignat Petukhov
Vice-Governor – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region for economic and investment policy - Minister of economic development, investment, tourism and external relations