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Regional center of competence
National project
"Regional Center competencies in the field of increasing labor productivity " is an operator National project "Labor productivity and employment support" in the Orenburg region.
The goal of our work is to increase labor productivity at medium and large enterprises of the basic non-resource sectors of the economy by more than 5% by 2024.
Benefits for businesses
- Free expert support
- Training
- Training and internship for managers
- Acceleration programs
- Benefits and subsidies
The main task of experts is creating samples of highly efficient production flows and team building from employees of enterprises to implement changes and subsequent independent work.
Tasks of the Competence Center
Provision of state measures support for enterprises, decrease administrative and regulatory barriers and other measures to increase labor productivity.
Targeted support for labor productivity at enterprises, expert assistance, employee training, specialized trainings and master classes.
Employment support, training of workers at risk of being laid off for further employment, training of personnel in order to replace obsolete and unproductive jobs.
Фонд инвестиций и инноваций
Развитие технологических стартапов
Поддержка развития технологических стартапов в Оренбуржье.
Инвестиции и гранты на инновационные проекты промышленников региона.
Популяризация научно-исследовательской деятельности среди молодежи.
Инвестиционный навигатор
Существует множество подходов к поиску инвестиций для технологических проектов: от самостоятельного анализа постановлений Правительства и баз данных до личного общения с людьми, обладающими нужной экспертизой.
Единый инвестиционный навигатор сочетает в себе лучшие практики. Это систематизированные знания о финансовой и нефинансовой поддержке в Российской Федерации, доступной в Оренбуржье.
Окно инноваций
Сервис для инновационных команд, готовых предложить решения по запросам крупнейших российских компаний, единая точка входа в инновационные экосистемы корпораций.
Выберите интересующего вас индустриального партнера и напрямую отравляйте заявки об имеющихся решениях.
Support types
billion rubles
billion rubles
billion rubles
billion rubles
No. 52
System of support measures from the Export Support Center (REC)
No. 19
Investments from the Russian Direct Investment Fund
No. 16
Subsidies for the creation and / or development of a technopark from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
No. 12
Subsidizing the interest rate for the implementation of new investment projects in priority areas of the civil industry
No. 4
Concessional loans from the Monotown Development Fund
No. 1
Concessional loans of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
No. 49
Tax incentives for residents of territories of advanced socio-economic development (TASED) in the Orenburg region
No. 50
Tax incentives for an investor in the implementation of priority investment projects (PIP) in the Orenburg region
No. 52
System of support measures from the Export Support Center (REC)
No. 49
Tax incentives for residents of territories of advanced socio-economic development (TASED) in the Orenburg region
No. 50
Tax incentives for an investor in the implementation of priority investment projects (PIP) in the Orenburg region
billion rubles
billion rubles
No. 48
Subsidies for partial reimbursement of costs for sold commercial milk
No. 31
Subsidies for risk mitigation in crop sub-sectors
No. 30
Субсидии на развитие овцеводства и козоводства
No. 47
Субсидии на приобретение сельскохозяйственной техники
No. 29
Субсидия на возмещение процентной ставки по долгосрочным, среднесрочным и краткосрочным кредитам, взятым малыми формами хозяйствования
No. 46
Субсидии на возмещение части затрат на приобретение технологического оборудования для молочного скотоводства
No. 28
Субсидия на снижение рисков в подотраслях животноводства
No. 27
Субсидии на развитие мясного скотоводства
No. 26
Субсидия на поддержание доходности сельскохозяйственных товаропроизводителей в молочном скотоводстве
No. 44
Субсидии на возмещение части затрат на приобретение оборудования и техники для приготовления и заготовки кормов
No. 25
Субсидия на поддержание доходности сельскохозяйственных товаропроизводителей в области растениеводства
No. 43
Субсидии на возмещение части затрат за реализованное товарное молоко ЛПХ
No. 42
Субсидии за реализованный на откормочные площадки молодняк крупного рогатого скота
No. 41
Субсидии на возмещение части затрат на развитие сельскохозяйственных потребительских кооперативов и на обеспечение деятельности центров компетенций в сфере сельскохозяйственной кооперации
No. 40
Субсидии на реализацию мероприятий в области мелиорации земель сельскохозяйственного назначения
No. 39
Субсидии на возмещение части прямых понесенных затрат на создание и (или) модернизацию объектов агропромышленного комплекса
No. 38
Субсидии на возмещение части затрат на уплату процентов по инвестиционным кредитам (займам) в агропромышленном комплексе
No. 37
Гранты на развитие сельскохозяйственных потребительских кооперативов для развития материально-технической базы
No. 36
Гранты на развитие семейных животноводческих ферм
No. 35
Гранты на поддержку начинающих фермеров
No. 34
Субсидии на развитие элитного семеноводства
No. 33
Субсидия на закладку и уход многолетних насаждений
No. 32
Субсидии на поддержку племенного животноводства
billion rubles
billion rubles
No. 8
Provision of bank guarantees to secure the obligations of SMEs from SME Bank
No. 7
Provision of guarantees for loans SME Corporation
No. 19
Investments from the Russian Direct Investment Fund
No. 18
Investments in technology companies in the early stages of development of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund
No. 17
Skolkovo Foundation grants
No. 16
Subsidies for the creation and / or development of a technopark from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
No. 15
Program "Development, Internationalization, Commercialization" of the Innovation Promotion Fund of the Russian Federation
No. 14
The "Start" program of the Fund for Assistance to Innovation of the Russian Federation
No. 13
Concessional lending (subsidizing loans) for agricultural, road-building and communal machinery, as well as equipment for the food and processing industry
No. 12
Subsidizing the interest rate for the implementation of new investment projects in priority areas of the civil industry
No. 4
Concessional loans from the Monotown Development Fund
Number 3
Preferential leasing services from regional leasing companies
No. 2
Concessional loans from the Industrial Development Fund
No. 1
Concessional loans of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
billion rubles
billion rubles
No. 52
System of support measures from the Export Support Center (REC)
No. 9
Provision of guarantees from the Guarantee Fund of the Orenburg Region
No. 11
Provision of state guarantees by the Orenburg region
No. 10
Securing the investor's obligations with a pledge of property of the Orenburg region
No. 8
Provision of bank guarantees to secure the obligations of SMEs from SME Bank
No. 7
Provision of guarantees for loans SME Corporation
No. 24
Subsidizing the interest rate on loans for exporting enterprises from the Russian Export Center
No. 23
Compensation from the Russian Export Center for the transportation of agricultural and food products
No. 22
Compensation from the Russian Export Center
No. 20
Competition "Innovative Business Incubator" from the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
No. 19
Investments from the Russian Direct Investment Fund
No. 18
Investments in technology companies in the early stages of development of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund
No. 17
Skolkovo Foundation grants
No. 16
Subsidies for the creation and / or development of a technopark from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
No. 15
Program "Development, Internationalization, Commercialization" of the Innovation Promotion Fund of the Russian Federation
No. 14
The "Start" program of the Fund for Assistance to Innovation of the Russian Federation
No. 13
Concessional lending (subsidizing loans) for agricultural, road-building and communal machinery, as well as equipment for the food and processing industry
No. 12
Subsidizing the interest rate for the implementation of new investment projects in priority areas of the civil industry
No. 6
Soft loan from the non-profit organization "Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises of the Orenburg Region (Microcredit Company)"
No. 5
Concessional loan from NMCC "Orenburg Regional Fund for Small Business Support"
No. 4
Concessional loans from the Monotown Development Fund
Number 3
Preferential leasing services from regional leasing companies
No. 2
Concessional loans from the Industrial Development Fund
No. 1
Concessional loans of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
No. 51
Investment tax credit for the payment of corporate income tax in the part to be credited to the budget of the Orenburg region
No. 52
System of support measures from the Export Support Center (REC)
No. 24
Subsidizing the interest rate on loans for exporting enterprises from the Russian Export Center
No. 23
Compensation from the Russian Export Center for the transportation of agricultural and food products
No. 22
Compensation from the Russian Export Center