Invest in Orenburg region


Investor steps


Filing an application

Choose any method of contact and get quick feedback:


fill out the Application


write to


call the number
+7 3532 32-50-55


Response time: 1 day


Support measures

We advise on government support measures and help you choose the best option for your project. We provide assistance in obtaining support measures for your project.


Details about state support measures


Term of execution: 1 day


Site selection

We help in the selection of an investment site, advise on issues with relevant ministries and departments. We help in negotiations with the relevant authorities, we help to eliminate administrative barriers.


Investment sites map


Term of execution: 3 days


Organization of the enterprise

We help in collecting a package of documents and in approvals, advise on legal, tax and other issues.


We help to prepare an investment cooperation agreement with the Government of the Orenburg region


Term of execution: 1 day


Production start

We accompany you until the commissioning of the enterprise. And a little later.


Regional center of competence

  • National project

    "Regional Center competencies in the field of increasing labor productivity " is an operator National project "Labor productivity and employment support" in the Orenburg region.

    The goal of our work is to increase labor productivity at medium and large enterprises of the basic non-resource sectors of the economy by more than 5% by 2024.  

  • Benefits for businesses

    • Free expert support
    • Training
    • Training and internship for managers
    • Acceleration programs
    • Benefits and subsidies

    The main task of experts is creating samples of highly efficient production flows and team building from employees of enterprises to implement changes and subsequent independent work.

    To learn more
  • Tasks of the Competence Center

    Provision of state measures support for enterprises, decrease administrative and regulatory barriers and other measures to increase labor productivity.

    Targeted support for labor productivity at enterprises, expert assistance, employee training, specialized trainings and master classes.

    Employment support, training of workers at risk of being laid off for further employment, training of personnel in order to replace obsolete and unproductive jobs.


Фонд инвестиций и инноваций

  • Развитие технологических стартапов

    Поддержка развития технологических стартапов в Оренбуржье.

    Инвестиции и гранты на инновационные проекты промышленников региона.

    Популяризация научно-исследовательской деятельности среди молодежи.

    Go to website
  • Инвестиционный навигатор

    Существует множество подходов к поиску инвестиций для технологических проектов: от самостоятельного анализа постановлений Правительства и баз данных до личного общения с людьми, обладающими нужной экспертизой.

    Единый инвестиционный навигатор сочетает в себе лучшие практики. Это систематизированные знания о финансовой и нефинансовой поддержке в Российской Федерации, доступной в Оренбуржье.

    Подобрать меры поддержки
  • Окно инноваций

    Сервис для инновационных команд, готовых предложить решения по запросам крупнейших российских компаний, единая точка входа в инновационные экосистемы корпораций.

    Выберите интересующего вас индустриального партнера и напрямую отравляйте заявки об имеющихся решениях.

    Найти партнера

Competition Development Standard in the Orenburg Region

Public control over the activities of natural monopolies

Intersectoral Council for Monitoring the Activities of Natural Monopolies

Regulatory legal acts, reports and other recommendations in the sphere of competition development

Competition Development Standard in the Orenburg Region

Competition Development Standard in the Orenburg Region

Public control over the activities of natural monopolies

Intersectoral Council for Monitoring the Activities of Natural Monopolies

Public control over the activities of natural monopolies

Intersectoral Council for Monitoring the Activities of Natural Monopolies

Public control over the activities of natural monopolies

Intersectoral Council for Monitoring the Activities of Natural Monopolies

Regulatory legal acts, reports and other recommendations in the sphere of competition development

  • Regulatory legal acts

    • On the standard of competition development
    • On the methodology of the state of competition development
    • On the key indicators of competition development
    • On the system of ensuring compliance with antimonopoly legislation

    Download documents

Regulatory legal acts, reports and other recommendations in the sphere of competition development

Regulatory legal acts, reports and other recommendations in the sphere of competition development

Support types

  • 153



  • 3,9


    billion rubles

  • 3,7


    billion rubles

  • 37



  • 517


    billion rubles

  • 2,5


    billion rubles

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