Gazprom Neft increases the Orenburg oil production cluster

Gazprom Neft has discovered a new field in the west of the Orenburg Region. The asset will become part of the western oil production cluster of the company's subsidiary, Gazpromneft-Orenburg, with a total resource base of about 30 million tons of oil. The development of the field is scheduled to begin in 2021.
The Roshchinskoye oil field is located in the Sorochinsky urban district of the Orenburg region. It was discovered as a result of drilling a prospecting and appraisal well, during testing of which gushing oil flows were obtained with a maximum flow rate of about 115 tons per day. The geological potential of the new asset is about 4 million tons.
The Roshchinskoye field is located in the Uransky license area. There are Novozarinskoe, Baleykinskoe and Novosamarskoe deposits nearby. Together they form the western oil production cluster of Gazpromneft-Orenburg, with a total resource base of about 30 million tons of oil.
The territorial proximity of the fields makes it possible to use a single infrastructure for their development. The common production center is the Baleikinskoye field, where oil is collected from the Novosamarskoye and Novozarinskoye fields. Hydrocarbons are brought to marketable parameters at the oil and gas treatment unit at the Tsarichanskoye + Filatovskoye field, where in the future oil will also be sent from the new asset. In the future, it is planned to build a booster pumping station and collect products at the Baleikinskoye field for the Central Uransky, Kamyshkovsky, Logachevsky, Priboronny and Yuzhny clusters of the Uransky license area, where geological exploration is currently underway.
“The discovery of the Roshchinskoye field expands the western oil production cluster of Gazpromneft-Orenburg. The proximity of the new asset to the group of fields already being developed will provide a synergistic effect. This will help reduce commissioning times and reduce asset development costs. In the future, the western cluster of oil production will become one of the additional sources of maintaining oil production in the Orenburg region, ”said Evgeny Zagrebelny, General Director of Gazpromneft-Orenburg.
Gazpromneft-Orenburg, a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft, operates in the city of Orenburg, Orenburg, Perevolotsky, Novosergievsky districts and Sorochinsky urban district. Production activities are carried out at 10 license areas, including 9 fields (Orenburg oil and gas condensate field (Vostochny area), Kapitonovskoye, Baleykinskoye, Tsarichanskoye + Filatovskoye, Zemlyanskoye, Yagodnoye, Novosamarskoye, Novozarinskoye, Roshinskoye).