Ignat Petukhov
Vice-Governor – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region for economic and investment policy - Minister of economic development, investment, tourism and external relations
Ask a QuestionAcceptance of applications for the regional contest "Exporter of the Year" has started
The competition has been held in the Orenburg Region annually since 2018 as part of the national project "International Cooperation and Export" and is aimed at identifying and encouraging export leaders among entrepreneurs, promoting the best experience and increasing the prestige of Orenburg exporters on the world market. In 2022, 40 applications were submitted for the competition, 18 participants were awarded in different categories. This year, the winners will receive certificates to compensate for the costs associated with the development of new foreign markets.
This year the contest will be held in four categories:
- "Industrial Exporter of the Year"
- "Exporter of the Year in the field of agro-industrial complex"
- "Breakthrough of the Year"
- "Best female Exporter"
In 2022, 40 applications were submitted for the competition, 18 participants were awarded in different categories.
Participation is free of charge. Electronic registration is available until April 14 on the website: ЭКСПОРТЕРГОДА56.РФ
If you have any questions about filling out questionnaires, please contact 8(3532) 77-23-01 or a.chuvilskaya@orenprom.com
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