Ignat Petukhov
Vice-Governor – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region for economic and investment policy - Minister of economic development, investment, tourism and external relations
Ask a QuestionLean technologies are being introduced at Orenburg enterprises
In the Orenburg region, the 36th participant of the national project "Labor Productivity" begins preparing for the introduction of lean technologies. This is the company "Orenpress" – the official representative of the plant "Gidropress", a supplier of hydraulic presses for various purposes.
Currently, a pilot flow has been identified at the enterprise, and the experts of the Regional Competence Center positively assessed the readiness to implement the national project activities.
The main stage is designed for three years. The active phase with the direct participation of RCC experts will take place during the first six months.
Participation in the national project will allow the company to support business growth, improve efficiency, reach a new level of competitiveness, and increase profits.
– The national project "Labor Productivity" ensures the formation of a new production culture. In the first three months, the diagnostic stage will take place at the enterprise: specialists of the competence center will analyze production processes, find hidden reserves, and determine ways to optimize. After that, an action plan will be developed to achieve the target state, – said the head of the RCC Olga Sudakova.
The Orenburg region entered the national project "Labor Productivity" in 2019. The total economic effect of its implementation has already amounted to 673.5 million rubles. By the end of 2024, 45 enterprises of the region will become participants of the national project.
You can apply for participation in the national project "Labor Productivity" on the productivity platform productivity.rf.
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